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A Tenshi Touhou Game
Sake dishes and glass liquor cups clacked in the gloomy night air, spraying up a small rain of alcohol as their owners cheers. Toasting to the party, Oni and Youkai tipped back their drinks, the demon alcohol flickering like liquid flames in the torchlight. Spontaneous festivals and sudden parties were nothing new to Gensokyo, especially when Oni were involved. All it had taken was one of the monstrous creatures to decide that they were thirsty and within the hour a small fairground had appeared, the cool night pushed back by the heat of bodies and light of lanterns. Drinks were only part of the fun, however, as was being proven by another guest.
Seated at one end of the largest table of the grounds, her blood red horn cresting over the crowd, Yuugi Hoshiguma grinned as her teeth tore into roasted quail. Sweet meat and spices mingled on her tongue, a grunt of approval escaping the Oni before she reached for her drink. Pouring back a gourd in one long swig, she tossed it down, letting a long sigh escape her as the liquor flooded her system. The crowd cheered, closer Youkai clapping on the muscled blonde's back in approval, wholeheartedly cheering her on in this eating contest. She wasn't just one of them, she wasn't just the source of tonight's party, Yuugi was the lifeblood of it and her victory would spur on the fun for the rest of the night.
Yuugi was losing.
Seated across from her, two chairs groaning under her heft, a blue haired angel belched loudly. Rubbing soba noodles off of her chins with the back of her plump hand, the titanic Celestial beamed, licking her lips as she took a moment to breath as she finished her dish. Even with the legendary debauchery of the Oni, Tenshi Hinanawi stood above them as a true glutton. Once she was certain that it was air in her lungs and not another flurry of belches, she greedily grabbed her next beef bowl in both hands, forgoing her utensils to just lift it up to her face and chug.
Well over a quarter of a ton, nearing a half of one, the angel's heft was a sight to behold. The crowd behind here was staying clear, the strongest of Oni frightened by her behind. Tenshi's hips were nearly as wide as she was tall, easily the largest part of her by far, the blubbery mass overflowing her makeshift seats with each cheeks flooding out from under her skirt. Her underwear was taxed to the limit of its stretch, bright blue panties barely able to contain her beanbag chair sized cheeks. Either the angel didn't notice her indecency or simply didn't care. Her front wasn't much more contained, her blouse turned into a bra as it stretched against her chest, pulled tight and threatening to tear with every bounce of her bust. Each breast rested heavily on the table, bigger than some of the platters the Celestial had laid out before her. Under the table, hidden from view but still very much there, her belly churned and gurgled with it's greasy load.
With a clatter, the bowl tumbled off of Tenshi's chest, rolling away to join the pile of discarded dishes to either side of her. Burping again, a hand going to her waterfall of a stomach to each her bellyache, she stuck her tongue out childishly at the Oni across from her. 'Done!' she declared, slamming her hands on the table, a ripple traveling through the immensity of her body. Scarfing down her own roasted bird, Yuugi spit out a bone, raising an eyebrow. She hadn't even gotten through a quarter of her meal, and already she was getting queasy. Having Tenshi sweep the win from her was honestly a blessing. Kicking up her feet onto the table and patting her flat abs, Yuugi smirked.
'I guess you win, kid.' Yuugi said. 'The prize money is your's, plus you can take the extra stuff too.' The crowd cheered, clapping their hands and knocking together their cups. No one had honestly expected the Oni to win, but the joke of watching the whale of angel make a fool of herself was worth the attempt. While people were afraid of her rolling back and crushing her, the same crowd was just as amused at the gluttonous antics she was getting herself into. Most of the crowd was laughing at her than with her, but Tenshi's chubby face wore a proud smile all the same.
Hefting her bulk up, the chairs rising up to their original height when freed from under her ass, Tenshi snatched her prize from the middle of the table. Her fat hand wrapped around the neck of the a sack piled high with pork buns, the joke of her hoisting up the bag lost on her. Tossing it over her shoulder, she lifted a leg wider than most sets of shoulders and stomped down on the table hard enough to make plates jump, the wood bowing low under her weight. Slapping a hand to her belly, she grinned in victory.
'That's right, I did win! And you all better remember that! No one can beat Hinanawi Tenshi in any contest!' There was a roar of laughter as the pale dome of Tenshi's gut swayed, mocking her, but it all went over the angel's head. Giving a pump of her meaty arm, cheering with the crowd one last time, the blue haired whale vanished in a flash of light, leaving nothing but her empty plates and the fragrance of peaches behind her.
And now that she's gone, the mocking can start in earnest.

Tenshi greeted the morning explosively, as she normally did, her jaw lazily rolling open as a belch forced itself out of her mouth. Trailing off into a yawn, the gluttonous angel rubbed at her eyes with a doughy palm. Laying on her stomach, she groaned as she was pulled from the bliss of her dreams, burying her face back down into her pillow. Her sheets and blankets were sprawled around and over her massive form, her rump shoved high into the air from her posture, pink nightgown pulled sheer thin over her equally peach colored panties. Burping again into the fluffy headrest of her breasts and pillows, she blindly groped next to her. The first thing she'd done after winning the eating contest yesterday had been to tiredly flop into bed, so her prizes should still be here.
Instead of smearing her sausage digits into a pork bun, however, Tenshi just felt her fingers push into an empty cloth sack. Raising her head up, finally too awake to go back to bed, she stared in confusion. She'd been so lazy that all Tenshi had done was toss her winnings' bag onto the bed with her bloated body, but it was empty. After a moment of thought, the night came back to her, the images of tired thighs rolling over each other as she climbed through the heavenly palace, sleepily shoveling bun after bun past her lips as she headed for bed. It was a feast fit for a household, but the walking marshmallow had scarfed it all down without even putting a single thought to it.
Groaning as the realization dawned on her, the blob of a girl rolled over. Bed springs screamed out as she flopped off of her belly, her rear coming down hard on the mattress. Covers billowed out as her scantily clad ass crashed down, nearly wide enough to cover more than half the mattress alone. Another burp bubbled up from her jostled stomach, a hand going to it to rub soothing circles into its fluffy mass. Digits sinking deep into her skin, the angel blinked a few more times, thinking.
Without a breakfast on hand, she'd certainly starve herself before long. The problem lay in Tenshi's laziness. It would be a simple matter to head downstairs and get something from the kitchen or to raise her voice and call for Iku, but both of them seemed to take too much energy so early in the morning. Gazing out the window, letting her eyes trail down to the imperial gardens, she was struck by an idea. The Peaches of Heaven had always been a delicacy for all Celestials and for as long as she could remember Tenshi had enjoyed plucking them from the branch that drooped down over her balcony. Even when she was small, it had been a joy to jump up and snatch them from the leaves, always having a sweet treat to indulge in before bed. It had been years since the last time she'd plucked one, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, perhaps it would make them taste better too.
Kicking off the sheets from her barrel sized thighs, a wobble traveling through her frame that only further strained her battered bed, Tenshi slid herself off her mattress and to her feet. The floor shook as much as she did, a hand still staying firmly planted on her belly to hold it still. Waddling over to her balcony, she tossed open the drapes and stepped outside. It wasn't a problem for her to do so without clothes, in her mind she was still as thin as could be, even with her belly nearly swinging down to her calves. So what if she had to pull her hips through a door nearly four feet wide? It meant that the construction was bad, that was all. An angel can't get fat, after all.
Grinning, putting even more sway into her step in case anyone was watching, the tubby girl lumbered over to the branch. It was still there, one of the tallest trees in the garden leaning right next to her room, plump and juicy fruit dangling tantalizingly close. Snapping her fingers, a keystone burst into existence next to her. It would make a fine seat once she grabbed her snacks, letting her view the splendor of Heaven's morning while letting passersby view all her splendor.
Lumbering as close as she could to the tree, her avalanche of a stomach pouring over the wooden railing, Tenshi stretched the fat wings of her arms as high as she could. Her flabby face puffed red with exertion as her tubby arms shook, bouncy upper arms quaking with strain. Wide fingertips brushed a leaf, then a peach, and finally with one last grunt of effort the celestial latched her hand around the branch. Shaking it, succulent fruits tumbled down, and Tenshi giggled as they rained on her. Many fell far to the ground below, but plenty of them landed on her, the angel's bust filling with pink sweets as several peaches were caught between her breasts. Plucking one out, she took a bite, laughing again as juice dribbled down both her chins. With her chubby cheeks rosy with satisfaction, Tenshi dropped her weight backwards onto her keystone, her hips surging over the sides of it and bringing nearly a half ton of dough onto it.


Tenshi jumped back up to her feet in shock, the half eaten peach tumbled from her hand as more of them bounced free from her breasts. As peaches splattered to the ground, the girl whipped her blue haired head to both sides, the curtain of silky sapphire locks catching in the rolls of her back. It had sounded like a clap of thunder coming down... just at the moment she sat...
Turning around, Tenshi felt the color drain from her face. Right down the middle of her keystone was a fissure. It cleaved through the rock, severing the shrine ropes and nearly having split it in two. It petered in the air for a moment before finally crumbling, the halves falling down into the peach paste on the floor. Staring, the angle brought her juice stained hand to her butt, taking a generous handful of it and squeezing. Her palm did little to grasp the full cheek, looking like a baby's hand on her extensive rear. Feeling the heft of her rump and beginning to realize that it was her own tremendous ass that had done the damage, Tenshi turned back to look into her room. On the far wall, she could see herself in her mirror, the massive figure taking up her entire balcony. She knew she'd put on a little weight recently, but the stubbornness in her mind was finally starting to budge.
'M-Maybe...' she couldn't finish the thought out loud, but it was dawning on her that eight hundred pounds is more than a little fat.
'Iku!' Calling out with a twinge of worry in her voice, the tremendous angel wobbled back into her room, keenly aware of her hips brushing her window frame. Pulling the curtains tight and locking the door, she turned to face her servant. In a flash of light the room was filled with the scent of ozone, and before the gargantuan girl was the ever trim and proper Iku. Bowing to her princess, she brought a sleeved hand before her mouth. 'Is something the matter, First Daughter? Would you like me to bring you your morning breakfast platter?' One of many, but the eel was too polite to say that.
Instead, Tenshi huffed, slapping a hand on her bare hip. Her entire frame bounced, a ripple of fat going from one side to the other, and offered her favorite servant a smirk.
'I'm going on a diet!'
'Again, Princess.'
A ruler came down against a pair of gym shorts, a sharp snap echoing across the field of lilies as hard wood met soft behind. The shorts threatened to rip, pulled tight across acres of ass that stretched the dark blue fabric to a bright teal. Yelping, Tenshi took another step forward, her elephantine leg dragging through the flowers as she shakily planted one foot in front of the other. Holding her rear with her hands, red marks peeking out from under her shorts from previous whacks, the angel let out a long whine. Looking over her shoulder, hair plastered to her face and neck with sweat, she wheezed at Iku. 'C-Can't I take a break, p-please, Iku? I had to have dropped... hah... at least fifty pounds...'
Another squeak was bellowed out of her as the ruler came down against her butt, the eel clicking her tongue in disapproval. Poking a finger into Tenshi's sweat stained top, she jostled the swaying mountain of a gut that the angel possessed. It was just as big, fluffy, and full of peaches as it ever was. She'd caved to the celestial's demands for a energy producing breakfast of nearly forty peaches, and it clearly wasn't making her any faster. Sighing, she shook her head.
'You've gone only twenty paces, Tenshi.' Again, another crack of the ruler and another welt on the massive derriere wobbling in front of her. Whining, Tenshi took another hefty step, wiping off a waterfall from her brow with the back of her hand. She'd expected this to be a lot more fun, but being active and actually exercising were a few different things. Normally, walking wasn't a problem for the immense woman, but having to wear weights around her wrists and ankles had suddenly made the simple task unbelievably taxing. Taking one final step, her thighs clapping together with the force of drums, Tenshi tumbled forward. Her belly met the lilies with an earth shaking thump, spraying flower petals all around her. Wheezing and huffing as a rain of fragrance fell back onto her, she glanced up over her massive bust to her servant and trainer, grinning softly.
'I-I can... stop... I'll... ah... start tomorrow...'
'Chug! Chug! Chug!'
The crowd cheered as the barrel tipped back higher and higher, the two Oni holding it steady clapping against the sides of the wood as it drained. Below, firelight glistened against booze stained skin, pale fat spilling out over the table. Half drenched in it, half full of it, Tenshi greedily slurped down from the waterfall of beer pouring onto her, her blue hair tinged dark with alcohol. A belch rolled past her lips as the last drops landed on her tongue, a loud gurgle bubbling up from her gut. Tossing aside the empty cask when she was done, the monster held up his hand over her.
'Five!' he called out, and the audience roared in approval. Tenshi was too drunk to care much about their thoughts, too full of booze and food to pay attention to anything that wasn't in front of her mouth. This was her celebration before officially losing weight and cutting down on her meals, so why not make it a party? The people of Gensokyo were happy to oblige, and judging from the two turkeys and the ocean of beer in her, they were in the full spirit of things.
'That's halfway, but...' Stomping out of the makeshift tent set behind them, Yuugi and Suika beamed, a keg on each shoulder for both of them.
'Let's see her do ten more!' they cried, and the Oni joined in the cheer for matriarchs, pounding their chests and stomping their feet, shaking the ground enough to draw more belches and burps out of the blue haired angel. Tenshi, for all her inebriation, just gave a goofy smile and giggled. Rising her own fat fist, arm so laden with fat she could barely manage it, she cried out as well.
Well, she can always have one more of these parties afterwards, right? Surely Iku wouldn't disapprove, this was to motivate her to get thinner. After this, she was going to have these parties less regularly, cut down on drinking and eating, and never stuff herself to the brim again. Gensokyo food was just too fattening, so after this she'd slim down for good. No more turkey, soba, or any other treats ever again. That's what she told herself, at least, even as the meal in her belly was primed to add another ten pounds to her already explosive hips, the third chair supporting her already telling that she was heavier than her last visit.
Lifting up the barrel, Yuugi drove her fist into the bottom, spraying peach wine out onto the angel.

Touhou Game Download

Zerochan has 1,399 Hinanawi Tenshi anime images, wallpapers, HD wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, cosplay pictures, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Hinanawi Tenshi is also known as Tenshi Hinanawi. Hinanawi Tenshi is a character from Touhou. Durability: Large Star level (Tenshi is abnormally durable due to all the celestial peaches that she has consumed, and Sakuya Izayoi commented that her knives couldn't pierce her). Stamina: High. Tenshi fought and defeated almost all of the Scarlet Weather Rhapsody cast in a single day when she got serious.